Friday, November 9, 2007

Dec 17 2007 implementation of PA begins

Post From Thomas Sullivan - Quiet Rockland

I have come into possession of a document that shows that the FAA is looking to start making changes to the airspace as early as December 17, 2007.  The attached document shows that the FAA is looking to make changes to departures out of Philadelphia Airport in about 6 weeks time.
Two of the questions we need answered as soon as possible:  
1) Are any similar premature changes slated for Newark airport and the airspace over Rockland county?
2) What are the safety implications of rushing this type "extremely complex" change?

It is extremely important for us to understand what the FAA is planning for us and when.  (it is becoming  evident what they are planning for our neighbors to the south just in time for the holidays)
Thanks and Best Regards,
Thomas Sullivan - Quiet Rockland

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